Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The intolerable compliment...

"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkeness' on the wall of his cell."...

For the family and friends that I love, and heard the first days here were "difficult", you will be happy to know that I am doing great and I am really starting to love this place. I am being motivated to learn, live, and love here, all over again. Praise God.

I must admit, I am nearsighted. I didn't realize this until yesterday, that what I was doing in my discomfort and despair was a simple and unsettling truth. I was doubting God. In fact, I just read about Him, He "created the heavens and the earth and all of its hosts," and yet I doubt...I'm glad for His love. So...Friday, I went to church, Saturday, to another, and Sunday, again. For the first time in my life, I was singing songs of praise to our Abba in a different language. I prayed with others, changing from english to spanish throughout, and was moved by the words of a popular praise song, only this time it read - Santo, Santo, Santo! El Dio poderoso! I'm seeing some things in a much different way, and I am sure there are plenty of others for whom all of this is normal, but this is just my way of sharing with you what God has been showing me.
(If your not entertained, or feel I am over-stating something, well...it's a webpage and it's very easy to click the little x in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.)

For those of you still reading, thank you, and I hope this finds you joyfully...Classes have begun and I'm beginning to feel the river is starting to rush, like the James does when it turns brown after a big rain. I love Richmond.
I've been here for 11 days now, and aside from what I've just written, here's some other new things for me: tsunami alert, tremors, saw Michele Bachelet, futbol sala, spaghetti with an avacado sauce, $3 bottles of good red wine (they drink it all of the time in scripture, it's not bad - being drunk is bad), walking everywhere, 'public' transportation systems, fresh fruit stands everywhere, lots of stray dogs, coco, powdered coffee, bars on the windows, etc. There will be more to come. I'm beginning to embrace it all and get used to how things work here...kinda.
They say the next valley comes when trying to explain to the lady at the pharmacy that you want to buy "The things you cut the end of your fingers with," is no longer fun, but frustrating. I'll do my best to stay positive.

Thank you for continuing to read, for your prayers, and your support. It feels good to be loved.

..."Whether we like it or not, God intends to give us what we need, not what we think we want. Once more, we are embarrassed by the intolerable compliment, by too much love, not too little."
-CS Lewis

1 comment:

  1. Oh Andyroo. How I love reading your blog. You are insightful yet funny. I laughed out loud as I thought about trying to explain something as simple as fingernail clippers--the memories ("the light you hold in your hand"=flashlight). Sounds like you are settling in, and I can't wait to hear how these next few weeks go. Keep updating--if you knew how frequently I check in you would question my social life.

