Saturday, March 20, 2010

The importance of people...

It's now Saturday, March 20th, and I've been on this journey, quickly turned adventure for 15 days now. Life is good. I've finished my first week of classes, met new people, eaten new food, and I'm enjoying it very much. Currently, I'm trying to get my hands on a decent tabla so I can get out in the water...but that's all "vanity" compared to what I really am here to write about today.

People, I'm realizing more each day, I love. Things are great, places are beautiful, but being around people surpasses any of those.

Two examples: One, the other day I was sitting on the beach, reading, writing, and thinking, enjoying the sun, clear skies, and 70' weather. And not that I was lonely, (i've been lonely and this wasn't that feeling hah) I just knew that this moment would be better if shared with friends, and one in particular comes to mind...Second example, I remember some time ago, being at the beach when the rains came, the thunder started to holler, and lightening was hitting what seemed like every other second...and they called me in from surfing, so we were all inside, none of the above (from example one) was present, but I was together with friends and family...happy.

The two very modest examples above show me that life really is all about people, about community, and about love for one another. That's why Jesus says you should love your neighbor as yourself, after all you spend a lot of time with yourself right? That's why Jesus spent time and hung out with the poor, the widows, and the tax collecters. He didn't just give some money or bread or build them something and give it to them (He was a carpenter, stay with me). He was with them. He entered into there community as He did with the world, that was the only way to reach them, to show His love for us, He came into our sick and deprived community we call the world. I'm thankful for that, aren't you?

I was struck again this morning by the importance of people when reading again from CS Lewis. He makes the words I try to explain seem so eloquent and delivers them with ease. So i'll stop trying to back up his words and just let you read them - The Christian and the Materialist.

"To the Materialist things like nations, classes, civilizations must be more important than individuals, because the individuals live only seventy odd years each and the group may last for centuries. But to the Christian, individuals are more important, for the live eternally; and races, civilizations and the like, are in comparison creatures of the day."
-"Man or Rabbit?" in God in the Dock

Heavy huh? Read it again.

So I'm reminded, as you are now too, that people are far more important than anything else on this earth. The importance of people is becoming more clear in my life. I'm sure most people who spend time away from home know the feeling. But steer away from those I love, and think about the strangers, the new friends, the people you see daily, but don't even know, and your only thought when you pass them is, "What kinda shoes are those?" or something else about the appearance of the person. Don't you know that there shoes will eventually be taken off, or they will change their shirt, or the zit on their face will be gone in 2-3 days (that's just my personal experience haha)?? Don't you know that behind your foolish observance is a soul, a heart, a person that lives eternally?

I've simply been given some new perspective and I try to share it as best as I can. I'm sure I've left plenty of things suspended in the air or "untied". My apologies....but there it is.

For you who keep reading, thank you. It's fun to think that I'm actually writing to people who enjoy this, even if it's not enjoyable haha, but it's better than just writing to myself. Wierd how that works huh? Even a sense of "community" through the internet makes one feel good.

Things in Vina are great, the weather couldn't be better, my family is awesome, and we've been spending much time together. They really look out for me (as i guess that must have to haha) but It's great when we sit down over meals and hang around for an hour or two afterward just talking and There's much going on with school and I'm meeting some good people. Really learning a lot. And at the risk of rambling, I'll stop. (And there is some really good coooking going on in the kitchen.) Thanks for reading.

Be with people, be in community, and thank God for His love and community with us, the world.

Your loved.

Jessica, You're Beautiful.

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